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  • Why choosing connected furniture for your workspace is a good idea

News / 2021


Technology is constantly evolving. Today, all our devices are programmable and connected objects are part of our daily lives. And it's not about to stop! Technological developments have also led to the creation of new ways of working. We are now looking for more mobility, connection and sharing tools in order to obtain solutions to the problems of the living environment of companies, institutions and other structures.

Integrating technology into our workspace ultimately makes everyone's work easier. So, what is the available offer in terms of connected furniture? How to choose the right multimedia meeting table? WAVEinside tells you more about this booming phenomenon.

Apart from their functional side, the connected furniture has a sleek and contemporary design, which fits perfectly with any meeting room or workspace.

Above all, technology offers innovative and easy-to-use solutions to optimize collaboration. It can be integrated in any space, from motorized screens integrated into the room reservation program to high-tech videoconferencing systems, the connected furniture makes it as easy as possible to use the spaces.

Integrating this technology into workspaces is now a major asset in the operation of modern companies.
WAVEinside develops and manufactures a range of connected furniture and technological tools dedicated to meeting rooms, public spaces and any other place requiring effective audiovisual communication. We also carry out the study of your audiovisual projects to provide you with the best solutions.

Need effective audiovisual communication? A connected meeting room? Advice on how to design your workspace? Contact us!
+32 4 383 55 13