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  • 8 Audio Essentials Checklist

8 Audio Essentials Checklist

Are you adding more HyFlex or hybrid learning courses on your campus? To deliver the high-quality instruction that students expect, you need audio that’s up to the challenge. Here are 8 must-haves to look for:

1. Offers full-classroom coverage so voices are picked up everywhere
Nureva ensures that all voices are picked up in every inch of your hybrid classrooms – no matter where people sit, stand, face or move. It’s all thanks to the patented Microphone Mist™ technology, which fills rooms with thousands of virtual microphones so there’s always one nearby. Remote students will hear every question asked and point raised, as if they were in the room.

2. Includes pickup zone options for different types of instruction
With the Active Zone Control feature, you can optimize the audio pickup for the type of instruction. Professors are lecturing? Set the pickup zone to the front of the room, so remote students hear less extraneous noise. Time for student questions or a class discussion? Switch to full-room pickup with a click of a button.

3. Lets spaces be reconfigured for different classes without manual adjustments
No matter how many times you reconfigure your spaces for different courses or instruction styles, our audio systems just work. Continuous autocalibration means you’re never required to make adjustments or add new components when furniture is rearranged. You have all the flexibility you need to create the right learning environments for instructors and students.

4. Doesn’t rely on physical mics that need batteries or charging
Are you tired of keeping track of batteries or making sure everything stays charged? Nureva’s audio systems don’t require wearable mics, so there are fewer components to manage. And because it uses virtual microphones to pick up student voices throughout the space, no handheld mics need to be shared and sanitized.

5. Includes built-in speakers to simplify your classroom setup
With built-in 20-watt speakers and a setting tailor-made for hybrid learning, remote students are clearly heard in the classroom. This means instructors aren’t stuck endlessly repeating student questions and comments to the room. Nureva’s integrated speakers also allow for crisp playback of videos and audio recordings.

6. Can be installed quickly and maintained by your own IT team
Unlike traditional beamforming systems, Nureva audio keeps things simple. All its systems can be installed by an IT staff member in less than an hour, with no need for specialized skills or tools. The option to keep installation in-house makes scalability easier and means there’s next to no classroom downtime.

7. Works with other tools, including UC&C, cameras and lecture capture solutions
USB connectivity makes Nureva’s systems incredibly easy to use – plug them into an in-room PC or instructor laptop, start up the UC&C application and they’re ready to go. They also integrate seamlessly with a wide variety of cameras and other classroom peripherals, plus a range of lecture capture software.

8. Includes remote tools that let IT easily manage large numbers of systems
Nureva offers cloud-based tools that make it easier to scale your audio deployment across campus. Nureva Console (included at no charge) lets IT adjust audio, check device status or install updates from anywhere. And with the Nureva Developer Toolkit, you’ll get cloud-based APIs to create seamless integrations with your existing workflows and third-party products.

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